Drawing in paint with a mouse
Now I thought that I could do a fun little thing where I used MCpaint, with a mouse. It would be kinda bad, but not like. . . TERRIBLE, and then I could tell you how I did it. Boy was I wrong. . . Here you shall see how to draw a bad wave. Mine sucks, and you won't try it so who cares. Now Step one is that you should find a reference picture and paste it in the. . .Canvas? Yeah let's call it a canvas. also draw like an outline of the thing.. Next make a color using "Edit Colors" A high quality mixing pallet that makes you want to cry. AND NOW FILL IN SHAPES WILL THE BUCKET TOOL. Y'all know paint, you know how to do this. And add details with you brushes. None of them blend, there's no stabilizer, and it's with a mouse, whats the worst that could happen Here's the point that made me want to give up. NOTHING BLENDS. THERE IS NO LAYER OPTION. WHY THE FLUFFERNUTTER DID I DECIDE TO DO TH...