How to Write a Quality Blog Post When You're Out of Ideas
Now this is going to be a great helpful post for you aspiring bloggers out there who just can't think of an idea. I never run out of ideas, this blog post was intentional and I have had this idea for the solid three minutes I've spent on this post. I'm going to go by blog 'type' for the most part, so let's get crackalacking.
Photo Blog: So if you run a photo blog and can't think of an amazing proverbial milkshake that'll bring all the metaphorical boys to the yard I'm here for you. Now think of what you like to take pictures of, I'll give you a second to think, or you could just stop reading for a moment. Got it? Okay so talk about it. Why do you like to take pictures of it? Why is it a good subject? Why do your readers care? I don't know, that's your problem to figure out.
Sports blog: I don't know, write about sports. . . it's not that hard. (wow that was easy)
Oh wow what other kinds of blogs are there. . . Uhhhhh. . . .
Beauty Blogs: basic tutorials are great. Aside form that, people like to read reviews of products (pallets, lipsticks, ect). If you have a favorite product talk about it.
Art Blog (what I would be if I actually had my life together): so post picture of drawings is great and all, but unless that's your entire thing, it gets old. So mix it up with a special post (like a Q&A or talk about your process). You could draw requests or ask for suggestions, the world is your literal oyster.
this drawing was supposed to be like a really funny joke but then my pad tablet decided to be a little piece of sh*t and starting being weird so the drawing kinda sucks. (if you don't get it, it's an oyster but it's the world)
Sh*t posting blog/ joke blog (Datz me): Write a totally meta post about how to write a blog post when your out of ideas. It'll be great, trust me.
Music blog: I'm not even sure if this is a real blog genre, but write about music. People might read it, who knows.
Lifestyle blog: Stlye suggestions (this goes for beauty blogs too) I got this idea from Hannah's blog, it seemed like a good idea. Or you should tlk about food and stuff.
So Imma end this post now because I'm just stating the obvious now so here's the drawing tip I promised: Jazz up your in-class doodles with the power of basic shading. Now you pay even less attention in class.
Photo Blog: So if you run a photo blog and can't think of an amazing proverbial milkshake that'll bring all the metaphorical boys to the yard I'm here for you. Now think of what you like to take pictures of, I'll give you a second to think, or you could just stop reading for a moment. Got it? Okay so talk about it. Why do you like to take pictures of it? Why is it a good subject? Why do your readers care? I don't know, that's your problem to figure out.
Sports blog: I don't know, write about sports. . . it's not that hard. (wow that was easy)
Oh wow what other kinds of blogs are there. . . Uhhhhh. . . .
Beauty Blogs: basic tutorials are great. Aside form that, people like to read reviews of products (pallets, lipsticks, ect). If you have a favorite product talk about it.
Art Blog (what I would be if I actually had my life together): so post picture of drawings is great and all, but unless that's your entire thing, it gets old. So mix it up with a special post (like a Q&A or talk about your process). You could draw requests or ask for suggestions, the world is your literal oyster.
Sh*t posting blog/ joke blog (Datz me): Write a totally meta post about how to write a blog post when your out of ideas. It'll be great, trust me.
Music blog: I'm not even sure if this is a real blog genre, but write about music. People might read it, who knows.
Lifestyle blog: Stlye suggestions (this goes for beauty blogs too) I got this idea from Hannah's blog, it seemed like a good idea. Or you should tlk about food and stuff.
So Imma end this post now because I'm just stating the obvious now so here's the drawing tip I promised: Jazz up your in-class doodles with the power of basic shading. Now you pay even less attention in class.
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